Dark Realms
Three hundred years have passed since Cenoieal was imprisoned by the Elementals between the Realms of the Living and Dead. Now as the Realms have once again been discovered and the magic prison weakened, Cenoieal attempts to escape and merge the Realms. With the Realms merged havoc would spread across Chantra and the local population destroyed.
Cenoieal and her allies must be killed before the spell can be completed.
Times and venues of event
(All times are BST (GMT), local UK time)
This event will be held in the Battlesquare
• Brumhart: 25th January, 19.00 BST, (20:00 CET) – 20.30 BST, (21.30 CET)
• Gaiahon: 24th January, 17:30 BST, (18:30 CET) – 19.00 BST, (20.00 CET)
• Evengarda: 23rd January, 19:30 BST, (20:30 CET) – 21.00 BST, (22.00 CET)
• Cyripus: 24th January, 19.30 BST , (20.30 CET) - 21.00 BST , (22.00 CET)
Event Details:
Character level: 30-99 (Rec. 50 +)
Number of participants: The more the merrier and bloodier things might just get
Language: Event will be held in english.
Objective: Kill all opposing forces, your best friend, the Realm Rulers and Cenoieal
Style of event: Player versus Environment versus Player
Rewards: The Slayer of Cenoieal may chose item(s) from the list:
Karkean Necklace
Ohkeros Ring
Shuta Ring
Luke Necklace
Gaudius Ring
Amulet of Speed
Ring of Constitution
Band of Fortitude
Guard Choker
Zucker Necklace
Registration: No Registration
Rules of Engagement: Kill the Realm Bosses and slay Cenoieal.
If the slayer of Cenoieal is killed within one minute after being announced, the reward is not given and the procedure starts anew with a another round.
For each new round the slayer can chose one more item
Exp: Slayer in the first round survives for 60 seconds. Event over. May chose one (1) item.
Slayer in round one is killed during the given time, the second and third in the following rounds also but the fourth slayer manages to survive. He may then choose four (4) items.
Should no player manage to defeat Cenoieal and manage to stay alive within the 60 minutes given - Event is lost.
Only the survivor receives an item.
Logging out of the Event or leaving the Battlesquare counts as a forfeit / loss / new round
Motto: How much is your friendship worth?